I've been diagnosed with vitiligo, now what ?

I've been diagnosed with vitiligo, now what ?

Do not despair, there are plenty of efficient therapies out there. Keep in mind that most vitiligo treatments are long term (2-6 months) and the best therapeutic plan is individual. The sooner you start treating vitiligo, the better.

Generally, young people respond well to the treatment. Most patients find it easy to repigment the face while hands and feet are particularly difficult to treat.

Find a doctor

Hopefully your dermatologist will have some advice about the available treatment options but surprisingly there are few good doctors who deal with vitiligo patients. If your doctor doesn't prescribe you the more recent therapies like nbUVB or immunomodulators you can go ahead and search for a new derm. There are doctors who claim there's no efficient treatment for vitiligo. Again it's time to search for a new derm.

Don't fall for miracle products.

False claims, photoshopped pictures and fake success stories are just some of the tools used in the marketing of miracle products. Refrain yourself from purchasing any Internet medicine or herbal remedies for the treatment of vitiligo. At present there isn't any universally efficient vitiligo cure so anything being refereed to as so should be regarded with suspicion. Instead talk to your doctor about the products, vitamins or other therapies that are safe and efficient for repigmenting.

Start your treatment from the first signs of vitiligo

Medical studies [1] have proved that earlier treatment of a vitiligo is more efficient. Melanocites reside in the hair follicles and properly stimulated they can disperse to the neighboring white areas, repigmenting the spots. The older the spots, the higher the chance of losing this last reservoir of melanocites. If the hairs inside a spot turn white, the chances of repigmenting the area are low.
