Handheld nbUVB lamps price comparison

uv lamps

We went around online shops selling UVB lamps and scouted prices for hand-held units. As you can see prices vary depending on the producer/design/and functions. 

Unit Vendor Price Link
Dermalight 80 Amjo Corp E295 https://www.drhoenle.de/produkte/dermalight-80/
Dermaray UV 311 beatpsoriasis.com $595 https://beatpsoriasis.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=49
120UVB-NB Solarc Systems $795 https://solarcsystems.com/en/product/solrx-hand-held/?v=796834e7a283
Dermfix 1000MX EU Version DermFix $277 https://www.dermfix.nl/1000mx-psoriasis-uvb-lamp.html
DermaPal Scalp and Spot Unit Daavlin - https://www.daavlin.com/patients/phototherapy-products/dermapal-scalp-spot-unit/


prices updated 2019-12-29
